Natural Opalized Quartz Pendulum
Natural Opalized Quartz pendulum with a plain top. Comes with a velveteen pouch. …[Read More]
Our Price: $16.50 [Add to Cart]
Natural Opalized Quartz pendulum with a plain top. Comes with a velveteen pouch. …[Read More]
Our Price: $16.50 [Add to Cart]
A faceted Clear Quartz pendulum featuring a pewter zodiac charm. One side shows the sun with the zodiac symbols the reverse side shows the moon and stars. Comes with a velveteen pouch. Quartz: Known as the master healer and will amplify energy and th…[Read More]
Our Price: $13.50 [Add to Cart]
A Golden Agate merkaba pendulum with a plain top. Comes with a velveteen pouch. This is a star tetrahedron consisting of a two interpenetrating three-sided pyramids that form a three-dimensional Star of David. Symbolically, it links the mind, heart, …[Read More]
Our Price: $12.75 [Add to Cart]
A faceted Clear Quartz pendulum featuring a pewter Queen of Heaven and Earth charm. Written on the back is “Awakening, Activating, Inner Powers.“ Comes with a velveteen pouch. Quartz: Known as the master healer and will amplify energy and thought, as…[Read More]
Our Price: $10.50 [Add to Cart]
A cone shaped Clear Quartz pendulum with plain top. Comes with a velveteen pouch. Quartz: Enhances the crystalline properties of blood, body and mind. Activates and enhances pineal and pituitary glands. Emotional balancer. Stimulates brain functions….[Read More]
Our Price: $6.00 [Add to Cart]
Faceted Clear Quartz pendulum featuring a Willendorf Goddess charm top. Comes with a velveteen pouch….[Read More]
Our Price: $10.13 [Add to Cart]
Banded Agate Pendulum with plain top. Comes with a velveteen pouch….[Read More]
Our Price: $8.25 [Add to Cart]