Sunstone with Clear Quartz Wand Pendulum
Sunstone with Clear Quartz Wand Pendulum. Comes with a velveteen pouch….[Read More]
Our Price: $18.00 [Add to Cart]
Sunstone with Clear Quartz Wand Pendulum. Comes with a velveteen pouch….[Read More]
Our Price: $18.00 [Add to Cart]
Faceted Clear Quartz pendulum adorned with a pewter unicorn charm and Czech Glass beads representing the 7 chakra colors. Comes with a velveteen pouch….[Read More]
Our Price: $13.50 [Add to Cart]
Rose Quartz pendulum featuring a pewter charm of Raphael’s Cherub from the Sistine Madonna. Comes with a velveteen pouch. Rose Quartz is a stone of unconditional love that opens the heart chakra to all forms of love: self-love, family love, platonic …[Read More]
Our Price: $10.50 [Add to Cart]
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Pendulum with a Sodalite point on one end and a faceted Sodalite pendulum on the other with chakra stones adorning the chain. Comes with a velveteen pouch….[Read More]
Our Price: $15.00 [Add to Cart]
A faceted Sodalite pendulum top is made of 7 gemstone chips representing the 7 chakras. (stones may vary from picture)1st chakra (red/black)2nd chakra (orange/blue-green)3rd chakra (yellow)4th chakra (pink/green)5th chakra (blue)6th chakra (Indigo)7t…[Read More]
Our Price: $12.00 [Add to Cart]
Quartz Pendulum with a top featuring a pewter pentacle charm, Quartz chips and a Jet bead. Comes with a velveteen pouch. The Pentacle is a symbol of a star encased in a circle.Always with 5 points (one pointing upward), each has its own meaning.The u…[Read More]
Our Price: $13.50 [Add to Cart]
Black Agate pendulum with a pewter celtic cross top and Amber chip beads. The cross may be unhooked and worn as a pendant. Comes with a velveteen pouch….[Read More]
Our Price: $15.00 [Add to Cart]
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